panic has been averted for a time
in the short time that someone has been in
: (人)が(場所{ばしょ})に滞在中{たいざい ちゅう}の短い間に
catch has been very poor for a long time
: 《one's ~》しけ続きである
if a suitable time to meet has not been determined by then
: 適当{てきとう}な会合{かいごう}の日がそれまでに決まらなかった場合{ばあい}は
has been
: {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
: has-been n. 《口語》 盛りの過ぎた人. 【形容詞 名詞+】 His company folded, to join the other high-tech has-beens. 会社がつぶれて彼もまたハイテク時代に取り残された者の 1 人になった one of life's has-beens 人生の盛りを過ぎた人の 1 人 The hall
feel as if one has been transported back decades in time
: 大昔{おおむかし}[何十年{なん じゅうねん}も前]に逆戻りしたような気分{きぶん}である
film that someone has been trying to cast for a long time
: (人)が長い間配役を決めかねていた映画{えいが}
happen during the short time someone has been gone
: (人)がちょっといない間に(主語が)起こる
trip one has been planning to make for some time
: かねて計画していた旅行
all that has been published
: 既刊分{きかん ぶん}
as has been done in the past
: 今までそうであったように
as has been mentioned
: すでに述べたように
as has been previously described
: 前述{ぜんじゅつ}のように
as has been the pattern
: 従来{じゅうらい}どおり
as has often been noted
: 繰り返し指摘されてきたように
"panic buying" 意味
"panic disorder" 意味
"panic dump" 意味
"panic firing" 意味
"panic gripped him" 意味
"panic market" 意味
"panic merchant" 意味
"panic monger" 意味
"panic movie" 意味
"panic firing" 意味
"panic gripped him" 意味
"panic market" 意味
"panic merchant" 意味
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